Side-by-Side Token Services

A patented offering that enables tokenized routing choice for eligible Stored Payment Token transactions, including cryptogram validation, with no impact to the cardholder experience.

What are Side-by-Side Tokens?

SXS tokens are alternate tokens provisioned by a Token Requestor in addition to primary tokens they provisioned from front-of-card brands. As the primary token may be subject to routing and security enforcement restrictions, the alternate token (SXS) provides both routing support and security enforcement to participating Debit Networks.

Side-by-Side tokens provide merchants with routing choice and security authorization options for tokenized card-on-file and in-app debit transactions.

Side-by-Side and Stored Payment Tokens work together to enforce more secure payments.

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Side-by-Side Tokens: Secure Routing Choice and Easy Implementation

Transactions routed to unaffiliated networks using card-on-file tokens may be de-tokenized by the unaffiliated network, but no security validations are provided. This may result in higher decline rates and increased fraud liability exposure to merchants. SXS tokens allow merchants to have both routing choice and security authorization options on transactions routed to participating unaffiliated debit networks.

Side-by-Side Tokens improve the end user's experience by granting routing choice

Enhanced Security

Bullet pointWith the ability of routing choice, merchants can count on secure debit transactions regardless of network

Industry-Leading Technology

Bullet pointThis is a patented technology exclusively created by Discover
Bullet pointDiscover is acting in good faith creating SXS Tokens which addresses the routing choice gaps between Discover and other major networks

Enhanced Customer Experience

Bullet pointWithout SXS Tokens, there is a risk that good transactions can be declined
Bullet pointAllows Merchants/Acquirers to have routing choice, which has the potential to reduce processing fees
Bullet pointSXS Tokens may lower decline rates for debit transactions and ensure cardholders can pay with their card of choice

Product FAQ

What are Discover® Side-by-Side Tokens?


Discover® Side-by-Side Tokens are an optional service available to Discover-certified Stored Payment Token Requestors designed specifically for US-issued Visa / MasterCard debit cards that are cobranded with a participating unaffiliated network (e.g. PULSE®) to provide a token alternative that supports both routing choice and security authentication.

Side-by-Side Tokens provide Token Requestors and participating merchants with an alternative token that provides both routing choice and full security enforcement. Benefits include increased authorization rates, reduced costs, and improved cardholder experience.

Who are the Side-by-Side Tokens intended for? What payment methods are supported by Discover Side-by-Side Tokens?


Side-by-Side Tokens are intended for Merchants (and their respective Token Requestors) that support network-based tokens via Visa/MasterCard debit cards and debit Issuers that issue Visa/MasterCard debit cards co-branded with participating unaffiliated networks.

What benefit do Side-by-Side Tokens bring to the payments space?


Side-by-Side Tokens enable Merchants that utilize network-based tokens for Card-on-File credentials to support both routing choice and full security enforcement on all Card-on-File transactions. This ability increases competition in the industry providing benefits to all stakeholders.

Do other payment networks offer Side-by-Side Tokens?


Side-by-Side Tokens are currently supported by PULSE® and are being made available to all other participating U.S. debit networks.

Are Side-by-Side Tokens mandatory?


Side-by-Side Tokens are optional for Discover-certified Card-on-File Token Requestors. Please refer to each participating networks' rules for their respective participation guidelines.

Who generates a Side-by-Side Token?


Side-by-Side Tokens are generated and maintained on the Discover DDX modernized platform.

What role, if any, do Token Requestors play in procuring Side-by-Side Tokens?


Token Requestors are responsible for the logic for routing and storing both Network (Visa/MasterCard) and Side-by-Side Tokens.

Is there a fee to implement Discover Side-by-Side Tokens?


Currently, Discover does not charge a fee for Side-by-Side Tokens. This is subject to change.

Is a Cardholder aware if a Merchant is storing their PAN vs. a Discover® Side-by-Side Token?


Cardholders are generally unaware when a merchant uses tokens in place of PANs.

Are tokens secured via cryptograms or Merchant IDs (MID)?


Side-by-Side Token transactions are secured using transaction-specific cryptograms.

Implementation FAQ

Do Token Requestor Aggregators or Token Requestors need to receive a Visa/MasterCard token before implementing Side-by-Side Tokens?


Yes. Side-by-Side Tokens require you to receive a Token from the front of card brand (Visa/MasterCard) before requesting the Side-by-Side Tokens.

What is the implementation process for a Merchant/Acquirer to support Discover Side-by-Side Tokens?


Please refer to the Side-by-Side Token Services Implementation Guide, addendum to the Stored Payment Token Implementation Guide, for additional details.

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